Traum cro
Traum Songtext von Cro mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf Songtexte. Traum is a 20single by German rapper, singer, producer Cro.
Released on May 201 it is his seventh single and is the first release from his 20album . Watch Traum by Cro online at vevo. Discover the latest music videos by Cro on Vevo.
Cró - Traum (música para ouvir e letra da música com legenda)! German rapper Cro is easily identifiable by the disguise he wears in press shoots and performances: a panda mask. Komm wir beide gehen weg von hier.
Scopri tutti i testi delle canzoni dell'album Traum di Cro. Le lyrics più belle e l'intera discografia su MTV. Traum testo canzone cantato da CRO: (Yeah) Oh Baby nimm meine Han ich hab alles schon gepackt, komm wir beide gehen weg von hier.
Isabella Enriquez Rayranth years ago. Listen to Traum in full in the Spotify app. Buy TrauRead Digital Music Reviews - Amazon. Find a Cro - Traum first pressing or reissue.
Yeah, Baby nimm' meine Hand Ich hab alles schon gepackt.
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