Trademark database

Perform a trademark search by text or image in brand data from multiple national and international sources, including trademarks, appellations of origin and . National and regional intellectual property offices have created a number of on-line trademark databases and have made them accessible to the public through . Although not required prior to filing an application, you are encouraged to search the USPTO's trademark database to see if any mark has .

Look up a trade mark to see if something identical or similar to your brand is already registered. New online application to download in bulk data for trade marks, designs, representatives, applicants and international registrations. Search plus is EUIPO's access to its database of European Union trade marks and registered Community designs.

Free Trademark Search tool supporting over countries and jurisdictions.

Search by Trademark Name, Number or Applicant Name. Users are advised that, business decisions should not be made on the basis of these searches . In DPMAregister you can conduct German trade marks searches. The database contains trade mark applications, and registered and refused German national . National and international trademarks effective in SpainWhat is this?

International: World Trademark Database. Information page on how to perform a trademark search in the Italian Trademark Database. Danish Patent and Trademark Office offers a wide range of self-service products. All of our e-services are made to make it easier for our .

AGIP Databases Abu-Ghazaleh Intellectual Property (AGIP), previously known as TMP Agents provides information on services and charges required for . Our most requested databases: Swedish Patent Database Swedish Trademark Database Swedish Design Database Espacenet BiblioteksSök. It is possible to consult trademark databases to see if any mark has already been registered or applied for that is similar to your mark and used on related . Click the Expand button to input edit your search queries. To narrow down your , use smart search and the query . You may want to read the Trademarks Database tutorial to understand how to do an advanced search in the database. Adobe Trademark Database for General Distribution. Please refer to the Permissions and trademark guidelines on our company web site at.

All, Known Marks, WIPO Protection, Protection Marks, Geographical Marks.


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